Saturday, July 4, 2020

Training and Development towards organizational success

Training and Development

Employee training and development implies a program in which specific knowledge, skills and abilities are imparted to the employees, with the aim of raising their performance level, in their existing roles, as well as providing them learning opportunities, to further their growth.

When an employee joins the organization, he/she is given job-related training to ensure satisfactory performance of the tasks and duties assigned, so that the employee can contribute more to the organization.

On the other hand, development has a long-term view. It is all about preparing the employee for the current as well as future jobs, by providing them with learning opportunities to increase their capacities, to undertake more challenging and complex tasks.

Different training is given to employees at different levels. The following training methods are used for the training of skilled workers and operators-  Specific job training programs, Technical training at a training with live demos, Internship training, Training via the process of rotation of job.

Training given to people in a supervisory or managerial capacity is – Lectures, Group Discussions, Case studies, Role-playing, Conferences etc.

People in managerial programs are given this type of training- Management Games to develop decision making, Programs to identify potential executives, Sensitivity training to understand and influence employee behavior, Simulation and role-playing, Programs for improving communication, human relations and managerial skills.


Training and Development Process

In the present day knowledge based environment, things are changing at a very fast pace. Even to maintain its position, an organization has to do a lot as well as act very fast. Organization achieves strategic advantages only due to its core competencies and core competence is developed only by the employees of the organization. Hence for achieving a level of excellence, organizations are to invest in

Training and development process is an organizational activity aimed at improving the performance of the individuals and groups of employees in the organizational settings. It is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees. It involves systematic procedures for transferring technical and management skills to the employees. Training process is an important activity both for the organization as well as for the employees. Skills acquired by the employees through training are assets for the organization. The enhancement of the skills also provides the employees job security as well as opportunities for career advancement.

In the modern industrial environment, where technological development is outpacing all other things, there is a continuous need for systematic training and development of the employees. Through ‘training’ employees are taught specific skills while through ‘development’ employee’s personality and management skills are enhanced. The training in an organization is necessary since there are:

  • Advancement in technologies
  • Demanding customers
  • Thrusts for boosting productivity
  • Requirements for improving the motivation levels
  • Needs for improving the quality of output
  • Necessities for effectiveness in management.

Training is a continuous process and it should not stop at any stage. The management should ensure that a training program should attempt to bring about positive changes in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the employees. The Benefits of a training program are as follows.


Benefits of Training


1.     Training improves the quantity and quality of the workforce. It increases the skills and knowledge base of the employees.

2.     It improves upon the time and money required to reach the company’s goals. For e.g. trained salesmen achieve and exceed their targets faster than inexperienced and untrained salesmen.

3.     Training helps to identify the highly skilled and talented employees and the company can give them tasks of higher responsibilities.

4.     Trained employees are highly efficient in comparison to untrained ones.

5.     Reduces the need to constantly supervise and overlook the employees.

6.     Improves job satisfaction and thus boosts morale.


Benefits of Development


1.     Exposes executives to the latest techniques and trends in their professional fields.

2.     Ensures that the company has an adequate number of managers with knowledge and skill at any given point.

3.     Helps in the long-term growth and survival of the company.

4.     Creates an effective team of managers who can handle the company issues without fail.

5.     Ensures that the employees utilize their managerial and leadership skills in particular to the fullest.


The benefits to the employees are as follows.

  • Increase of the confidence level
  • Learning of new skills
  • Helps in career advancement and higher earnings.
  • Developing resilience to change
  • Improving safety at the workplace
  • Helping in teamwork and hence improving interpersonal relationship


High-impact training and development programs don’t just happen. Instead, they’re the result of a careful planning and alignment process. The following steps can help you translate business objectives into a tailored training plan.

1. Identify Business Impact:

Design and develop your training to meet the company’s overall goals. Keeping business goals in focus ensures training and development makes a measurable impact.

2. Analyze Skill Gaps:

How are your employees’ behaviors helping meet the business goal? By finding out what the gaps are between employees’ current and ideal skills, you can better pinpoint what your specific learning objectives should be. Categorize these learning objectives into these three groups, and have activities in your training plan that target all three.

  • Motivation: How can you help learners understand why they need to change their behaviors? By working with employee motivations–for example, pinpointing a purpose–you’re more likely to change behavior over the long term.
  • Skills Mastery: What do your learners need to be able to do the job? These behaviors will have the most impact on performance.
  • Critical Thinking: What must your learners know to perform their jobs well? Distinguish critical knowledge from nice-to-know information to identify what content should be in the course, and what should be in optional resources.

3. Layer Training Methods:

The most effective training programs use layered, sustainable learning activities to create performance improvement over time. A layered approach makes sure your program targets the essential employee, customer, and business needs while training the right people at the right time in the right way. A layered approach is the best of all worlds because it blends learning experiences and training methods that maximize the benefits of your time.

4. Evaluate Effectiveness and Sustain Gains:

Employees’ need for training and support don’t end when they get back to work. In fact, continued support is required to ensure that initial training sticks. Measurable learning objectives are the foundation for you to evaluate an initiative’s impact.


References (2014). Training and Development Process. Training And Development Process – Ispatguru. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020]. (2020). Recruiting and Hiring Resources. What Is Training And Development?. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020]. (2020).  What Is Employee Training & Development?. What Is Employee Training & Development? | Allencomm. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020]. 2020. Human Resource Management. Training And Development: Training Methods, Benefits Of Training. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020].


  1. What are the new approaches for training and development?

  2. Amila, this is an interesting article. I think nowadays organizations invest more in training and development programs for employees .Because when a company invests in employee training and development, employees feel valued and appreciated. By training employees and investing in their career development, you can make them feel valued by your organization. This will lead to longer employee tenures and less turnover

  3. How Training and Development contribute to organizational success ?

    1. Thank you Upul for your question.A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely heavily on others to complete basic work tasks.

  4. When organizing a Training, Training Need Analysis is very important. Please describe the TNA

    1. Important question.Thank you Malinda for raising it.Basically, Training Need Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying the gap between employee training and needs of training. ... Training can be described as “the acquisition of skills, concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance within the job environment”.

  5. Why do organizations invest in training and career development programs for employees?

    1. Thank you Pubudu for your question.Here are some general benefits from Employee Training and Development to the organizaion.

      Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
      Increased employee motivation.
      Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
      Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
      Increased innovation in strategies and products.

  6. Most organizations invest on training their employees. Do you think that employees are getting maximum from the training programs they attend

    1. Thank you Ajith for your question.Actually it depends on how the training program is conducted.Sometimes employees don't get anything at all.So organizations must have a clear plan how to conduct a training program & they should hire a qualified resource person to conduct it.By that way employees can get the maximum from the training


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