Saturday, July 4, 2020

Employee Grievance Handling


Grievance means any type of dissatisfaction or discontentment’s arising out of genuine or imaginary factors related to an employee’s job which according to him, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. It must be expressed by the employee and brought to the notice of the management and the organization.

 In an organization, a grievance may arise due to several factors such as:

  • Improper working conditions such as strict production standards, unsafe workplace, bad relation with managers, etc.
  • Irrational management policies such as overtime, transfers, demotions, inappropriate salary structure, etc.
  • Violation of organizational rules and practices

Grievances take the form of collective disputes when they are not resolved. Also they will then lower the morale and efficiency of the employees. Unattended grievances result in frustration, dissatisfaction, low productivity, lack of interest in work, absenteeism, etc. In short, grievance arises when employees’ expectations are not fulfilled from the organization as a result of which a feeling of discontentment and dissatisfaction arises. This dissatisfaction must crop up from employment issues and not from personal issues.

It is necessary to distinguish a complaint from grievance. A complaint is an indication of employee dissatisfaction that has not been submitted in written. On the other hand, a grievance is a complaint that has been put in writing and made formal.

At any stage of the grievance machinery, the dispute must be handled by some members of the management. In grievance redressed, responsibility lies largely with the management. And, grievances should be settled promptly at the first stage itself. The following steps will provide a measure of guidance to the manager dealing with grievances.

i. Acknowledge Dissatisfaction:

Managerial/supervisory attitude to grievances is important. They should focus attention on grievances, not turn away from them. Ignorance is not bliss; it is the bane of industrial conflict. Condescending attitude on the part of supervisors and managers would aggravate the problem.

ii. Define the Problem:

Instead of trying to deal with a vague feeling of discontent, the problem should be defined properly. Sometime the wrong complaint is given. By effective listening, one can make sure that a true complaint is voiced.

iii. Get the Facts:

Facts should be separated from fiction. Though grievances result in hurt feelings, the effort should be to get the facts behind the feelings. There is need for a proper record of each grievance.

iv. Analyze and Decide:

Decisions on each of the grievances will have a precedent effect. While no time should be lost in dealing with them, it is no excuse to be slip-shod about it. Grievance settlements provide opportunities for managements to correct the problems and thereby come closer to the employees.

v. Follow up:

Decisions taken must be followed up earnestly. They should be promptly communicated to the employee concerned. If a decision is favorable to the employee, his immediate boss should have the privilege of communicating the same.


When dealing with employee grievances, employers may feel a wide range of emotions from fear to anger to enlightenment. Keeping a calm, positive attitude and following the grievance handling policies and procedures helps to reach a resolution that everyone is satisfied with. An effective grievance procedure ensures an amiable work environment because it redresses the grievance to mutual satisfaction of both the employees and the managers. It also helps the management to frame policies and procedures acceptable to the employees. It becomes an effective medium for the employees to express t feelings, discontent and dissatisfaction openly and formally.



 Management Study Guide.(2020). Employee Grievance - Effective Ways Of Handling Grievance. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020].

Business Management Ideas. (2020). Grievance Handling Procedure: Steps, Need And Elements. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 4 July 2020].


  1. How do you avoid the grievance in your work place.

    1. Thank you Buddima for your question.Here are some ways to avoid grievances at work placs.

      Communicate the need for staff to take on additional responsibilities and for tightening up of existing policies
      Introduce a culture where over-performance is recognised by line managers

      Ensure line managers are trained to identify and handle possible grievances at an early stage
      Hold regular, informal meetings with those showing signs of stress or harassment to ensure issues do not progress to grievances

      Suggest mediation as a means of settling disputes ahead of a formal grievance
      Assess softer skills in line manager appraisals and directly link these to pay where possible.

  2. Amila What are the new techniques of Handling Grievance Handling?

    1. Thank you Manujaya for your question.Widely used technique is the The five-step grievance handling procedure.Here are the steps.

      Step 1 – Informal approach. Wherever possible an employer should make an initial attempt to resolve a grievance informally.
      Step 2 – A formal meeting with the employee. This will involve holding a grievance hearing with an employee.
      Step 3 – Grievance investigation.
      Step 4 - Grievance outcome.
      Step 5 – Grievance appeal.

  3. AAmila ,Why is solving grievances is important in the organization?

    1. Thank you Manujaya.A formal grievance procedure should support employees to raise concerns relating to a safe working environment without the fear of any negative repercussions. The knowledge that any concerns will be taken seriously and handled fairly will help to bolster staff morale and maintain levels of productivity

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Mahesh for your question.If not handled correctly,It will directly affect to the staff morale and the productivity of the organization

  5. How do you identify employee grievances?

  6. Thank you Pubudu for your can identify employee grievances by following methods

    Directive observation
    Grip boxes
    Open door policy
    Exit interview


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